19 February 2014

late night thoughts.

as i finish off my senior year, i have some major decisions to make in my life. everyone has or will make hard decisions. but, i believe this is the time where it is one of the most important choices. where you choose to go after college can determine many things.

up until just recently i have been extremely excited to move on. move out of my hometown and grow up. it has just hit me all the things i will miss out on. i will miss watching the little (not so little anymore…) kids at their soccer games and just spending quality time with my family, because i do love the sweet little family of mine.

i can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. as for now, i play it day-by-day. this might not be the best logic to live by, but it is working for me. i love to throw in a little bit of surprise.

09 February 2014

senior year.

lets just start by looking back on high school.

first off, oh my goodness things have changed so much! i look back on freshman year and i can't believe all that has happened! but, i wouldn't change anything. i wouldn't go back and avoid my awkward stage. i wouldn't change all the different friends i had. i wouldn't change any decision i made. why? because that has shaped the person i am today and i wouldn't want to be any different.

freshman year.
the biggest and most influential part of my life this year was being on the high school dance co. i was the only freshman, so i had to open up quite a bit. i didn't know anyone, but i met some of the best girls on that team. i loved it. i danced my lil' heart out. i when i say lil', i mean it. i was a mean pole, guys. a short, skinny girl. not saying that is bad, but they named me "teeny" so that has to same something!

sophomore year.
things changed. i was actually at the high school this year. i was still on dance co. and loving it. but i started running cross country. so yes, i did dance and xc that year (and jr. too, but we aren't there yet) seriously, i died. i was so exhausted, yet i was having the time of my life! i had friends from both teams. so many great friends, i might add.

junior year.
it was much like sophomore year, but i was sixteen. i could date. i could drive. like, what?! i thought i was grown up then! so ya, i had the time of my life. driving. boys. driving. dates. it was fun! my love for running grew this year and at the same time i started distancing myself from dance. it was hard. i had been doing this for eleven years! i made the decision to not continue on with dance my senior year. yes, one of the hardest decisions… EVER! but i do believe it worked out for the better.

my favorite memory of junior year was in April. the soccer team made it to state playoffs and my friends and i had this idea to take a trip to slc and see the games. it was a dream, but we didn't think we could pull it off. but, after talking to our parents, we made it possible. and we headed to slc friday morning all on our own. we went to the game (we got lost on our way trying to find the high school) and watched the game. sadly we did not win and didn't make it to the finals. us girls took a shopping trip to the mall. which we couldn't complain! saturday morning we woke up and watched the finals with the soccer team, and headed home. i will never forget the laughs we had and the fun adventure we went on. hopefully we will do it again!

we attempted to take group pictures with a self timer, but it never worked out good! 

and here i am. senior year.
guys, it still scares me to think that this is my last school year  three months of high school. i've loved every single second of it. although it has been a whirlwind, i've made so many great memories. i've become friends with so many new people. now, tonight is the last home basketball game. is it really that time of year already? it seems like football just ended! also, 100 days until graduation. i'm so excited to move on from high school and do new things. but, i will also miss all the different events that high school brings.

so heres to finishing senior year!

05 February 2014


hey there. i'm taylor marie stewart. currently just living the life and wanting to document every moment of it (and hope to entertain y'all out there!)

+i'm not a good with my journal, so hopefully this will inspire me more.
+i'm all about design and fashion.
+currently a senior in high school. (yes, senioritis is real.)
+still indecisive about my future after high school.
+i'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. check it out here.
+i love life!

xoxo, tms